March 7, 2023

Revolutionize Your Transcription Process with GPT- Powered Software

ChatGPT revolutionized the world of chatbots by shattering the notion of rigid, predictable responses. Its advanced technology offers dynamic and precise information, resulting in a global impact. What's the secret behind ChatGPT's success?

Revolutionize Your Transcription Process with GPT- Powered Software

Why is ChatGPT gaining global attention?  

The GPT-4  Large Language Model (LLM) is powered by advanced technology that allows for a wide range of generative AI capabilities. But what is the core technology behind it, and how can this technology be transformed into practical applications such as speech transcription tools and collaboration platforms? These are the questions that continue to intrigue and inspire experts in the field of generative AI.  

OpenAI's ChatGPT recently made headlines by introducing more precise and human-like dialogue, along with the ability to generate poems, essays, and other textual content. Its advanced capabilities have sparked intense discussions in mainstream communities and media, making it one of the most exciting developments in the AI industry.  

ChatGPT is changing the game for chatbots by challenging the limitations of traditional chatbot technology. Unlike standard chatbots, ChatGPT's responses are more flexible, and the information provided is richer and more accurate. But what is the technology behind this super-human AI, and how does it continue to evolve and improve? These are questions that researchers and developers are exploring as they strive to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and similar generative AI models.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can answer a wide variety of questions, including general knowledge questions, technical questions, cultural questions, and pass the bar exam with a better score than the majority of people. (Photo credit: OpenAI) 

Why is ChatGPT so intelligent? 

ChatGPT's core technology is the GPT-3.5 LLM developed by OpenAI, which is trained through reinforcement learning using human feedback mechanisms. Since March 2023, paid users can also enjoy the capabilities of GPT-4 model, which is faster, better, stronger and much more accurate!  

Of course, OpenAI is not the only organization developing LLMs. Bard, Google’s response to ChatGPT, also attracted the world's attention this year, based on the large language models LaMDA and PaLM.

The scale of the GPT-4 model has not been announced by OpenAI yet. However, the company previously spent $12 million to develop the GPT-3 large language model, which is the predecessor of GPT-3.5, with 175 billion parameters, and trained on 45 TB of various text datasets.

Developing these large language models requires significant investment from developers, whether it's a global technology giant or an international AI research and development organization. However, these organizations have generously released open-source software to allow more developers to use and improve large language models. This has become an important starting point for domestic and foreign companies to develop AI applications and uncover its business opportunities.

Exploring the Technology Behind Speech Transcription and AI Analytics: A Step Ahead toward GPT-3's New Business Model

Speech transcription tools rely on multiple language models, including GPT-3, BERT, BLOOM, and DPR. This approach combines the strengths of different models and optimizes costs, resulting in greater flexibility. However, using a set of AI tools that switch between various language models requires a more technically advanced enterprise team. For instance, the Vocol voice collaboration platform employs four large language models, each with distinct features:

This table shows the four most-used language models on the market and their features. (Photo credit: Vocol) 

Thanks to these large language models, you don’t have to spend time transcribing conversations and looking for key information anymore! They’ll do the job for you!

  " Reporter: Listening to the entire interview is time-consuming, especially with multiple interviewees, it is challenging to find the important parts."  

" YouTuber: Can I transcribe this video and generate the subtitles automatically?"

 " Students: Converting videos of online courses into text significantly speeds up my learning.”  
 "New Teammate: The daily number of meetings is overwhelming, especially when it comes to writing meeting notes. Our manager expects us to remember everything and share it with the rest of the team asap. Is there a faster way to summarize meetings and extract important things?"

These challenges bring frustration to a lot of professionals, such as media practitioners, freelance writers, YouTubers, students, and corporate employees, who are either creating valuable content or learning new information.

Transcribing and summarizing calls is a monotonous and lengthy task that demands significant focus.  

The Vocol voice collaboration platform handles high volumes of voice-to-text work for you, boasting the unique ability to quickly extract concise key points from lengthy transcripts using AI.  

Vocol is not limited to individual users. It also serves as an ideal internal collaboration tool for various organizations such as start-ups, educational institutions, media companies, legal compliance units in the financial sector, and research units that need to process vast amounts of international research reports or papers. With Vocol, internal work efficiency can be significantly improved.

How to use Vocol? Discover the 8 main functions of Vocol:

  1. Work with audio and video files: Upload any audio or video clip to the media library and convert it into text with a single click.
  2. Multilingual: Vocol supports three major languages - English, Chinese, and Japanese, allowing users to transcribe in multiple languages.
  3. AI-power: Vocol's built-in AI algorithms can quickly summarize long transcripts into key points, making it ideal for multi-person meetings. AI can also recognize different speakers, making the conversation easier to follow.
  4. Key summary: You can extract key topics from the conversation, such as marketing budgets or annual plans, making it easy for other meeting attendees to understand the critical points.
  5. Online multi-person co-editing: Users can mark and comment on different parts of the conversation, tag and discuss with other members of the team.
  6. Highlights: Vocol Highlights provides an overview of the essential content, allowing users to select and watch each key point of every meeting to ensure important details don’t get lost.
  7. Data analysis: Vocol's dashboard shows team collaboration insights, such as number of views, likes and comments.
  8. Flexible payment: Vocol offers two billing methods - one-time purchase or monthly payment, with billing based on the number of voice minutes uploaded.
Using AI tools can greatly simplify workflow and save a lot of time and energy, making people work more easily and happily. (Credit: Canva) 

In conclusion, the commercialization of generative AI is currently on the rise. Vocol's voice collaboration platform, which integrates various features of large language models such as text content generation, intent analysis, and dialogue management, is leading the way. It can also understand multiple languages and identify and extract key information from a large number of documents.  

This platform not only frees users from the laborious task of transcribing and summarizing meetings, but also serves as an effective internal collaboration tool for enterprises. It can significantly improve work efficiency within the organization.