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Online transcription services can help to convert speech into text, which can be useful for various purposes. Read on to find out why these services are gaining traction in the marketplace.
In part 4 of this tutorial series, we will walk you through the intricacies of how V-points are calculated and consumed, ensuring you maximize your productivity while using Vocol's powerful features.
In part 3 of this Vocol tutorial series, we will show you the redemption methods for the discount and coupon codes that you obtained from our promotions.
With the advent of remote and hybrid work, the need to collaborate is more important than ever. By centralizing these needs to, teams have a single hub for all collaboration, which minimizes the switch-over costs of hopping from software to software and maximizes productivity.
In part 2 of this Vocol tutorial series, we will run through some of the basic things that you can do with a meeting recording or an uploaded audio/video file.
Just created your Vocol account but don't know where to start? Here’s a quick tutorial on how to navigate around the console and use the various functions.
The new Translation feature, powered by GPT, supports more than 25 popular languages, making it an invaluable tool for online meetings, such as sales calls with global customers.